YOUR VACATION, AT THE BEST PRICEExclusive offers through our website
At any time of the year, we want you to come and enjoy your vacation in Los Caños de Meca at Los Castillejos at the best price, booking through our website. That’s why we offer you very special offers that you can use for your reservation throughout the year.
20% on agencies
We always have the cheapest price on our website. You can check it with other agencies we work with and confirm that the best option in terms of price is to book directly with us. Up to 20% difference.
We will match the difference
Best price guaranteed on our website. If you find it cheaper, with the same rate conditions, we will refund the difference you have found. So that you are completely sure that it is your best option.
We have, directly by booking with us, the most flexible conditions in case any unforeseen event arises on your trip, so that you can cancel at no cost or with the lowest possible cost, depending on the advance notice.
Exclusive offers
Through our website, you will always find last minute offers and special promotions throughout the year, sold exclusively through our website. Whenever we have any special offer or condition, we will apply it on our website.